Day 41 pre-op
Dinner last night:
Spinach and ricotta cannelloni.
A regular morning of doing dishes and the usual housework chores indoors, while my Darling fixed the entry gate from the driveway to our house-yard, which has been dodgy since we has a house sitter in (my sister) whilst we were away on holidays.
We did a dump run, as we don’t use the council pickup, but instead take our own recycles and rubbish to the transfer station every four to six weeks.
After that I got into some pruning and weeding around the gardens that we call ‘Palais de Poochi’ and my darling Wife got to work on doing the prep for the wifi extender installation – which unfortunately for her is turning into a bit of a finicky job to actually get it installed on the corner of the shipping container, but the idea that she has come up with looks like it’s going to work perfectly, and be really solid through any cyclones.
Ham sandwiches for lunch, then back out into the garden in between rain scuds to finish hand-mowing the houseyard, and to do more pruning and snip the big veg garden.
It’s been a really lovely day.