
Post Op – D36

Day 36 post-op.

Dinner last night: a small bit of potato and carne mince

Rain: 2

Laundry day today so I’ve done all the laundry, folding and putting it away.
I moved the bus fridge from inside, out to the shipping container as it’s taking too much room up on the floor and we’re not using it at the moment.

Our Garden Guy also came today and did two hours of work whipper-snipping.
He’ll be back on Friday if it’s not raining to whipper-snip the fence line and as our big snipper probably won’t be fixed by then, he’ll bring his big one.

I am planning to drive down to the city tomorrow to switch out my unused Formulite shakes at my Dieticians office, for a flavour I enjoy.
I am also hoping to get some bars to have in my handbag as ‘emergency’ food if I go someplace that doesn’t have something I can eat.

This will be the first time that I have been out for most of the day – and by myself – since I had surgery, so I feel like I am needing a bit of a plan for my nutrition and hydration!
I am thinking that I’ll take a flask of iced water so I can make myself a shake mid-morning to keep my energy up and help with the protein.

Its a little bit scary and a little bit exciting all at once!

Published by Sarah

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