
Post Op – D33

Day 33 post-op.

Dinner last night: a small bit of pie meat

Rain: 2

This morning I had breakfast when my Wife did.
I had the usual custard and creamed rice.
Unbeknownst to me, my Wife had decided that the second she was finished breakfast, she was going to pack up the back of the ute to get a couple of dump runs in.
So up she hopped, and off she went – so I went to join her and help.

15 minutes in, and I knew I’d been too active too soon after eating, and was feeling realllllly ill.
This is a new thing and hasn’t happened before…

By the time the first load was done, I felt positively green and headed off to the loo, where I spent quite some time.

It took almost an hour for me to feel better, and I was going to go and have a sleep, but instead decided to try and push through it by getting some mowing done, which thankfully worked.

I managed to get the house yard mowed and about a quarter of the paddock down to the chicken run and around the big vegetable garden.
I even got the western fen cline whipper-snipped.

Late this afternoon I had a lovely warm shower and washed my hair so I’m feeling all lovely and snuggly and clean and – for the next couple of hours at least – I don’t have any mud on me!

Ahhhh bliss

Published by Sarah

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