
Countdown – 5

Day 5 pre-op
Day 23 pre-op VLCD.

Dinner last night: Fish Tacos


Rain: 66 – once again we are in quagmire category.
We have had 724 for January!!

If you’re reading right along, you can probably plan my menu for me by now!! 😁
Yep – I’m predictable.

The foods that I’m serving right now, are what’s working for me at the moment to help me through this pre-op period, and my Wife is very much enjoying them as well so – why not?!?

Our Daughter-in-law coming for dinner last night ended up being a nonevent because we got such a huge storm that we all decided it was best that she in our Grandbaby didn’t come after all.
We’re planning that she will come on Thursday instead.

I managed to get out into the vegetable garden for a good couple of hours this morning, and the ground is so wet that it was easy to pull a big pile of weeds and do a lot of pruning.
It was quite cathartic and invigorating.

I also managed to get another couple of hours done in the afternoon in the houseyard, which obviously means that I haven’t got much done in the house work department today!

There is a lot that I feel like needs to be done all around the Farm before I go for surgery and I’m stressing about that a bit.
I don’t feel like I have the time to be doing allllll the things – but then no one ever does have enough time, do they – really….

My Wife got a text this morning that hopefully my car will be ready by tomorrow, but we’ve discussed that we won’t be taking it down to the city when I have surgery because we’re just not convinced that it’s safe and reliable to do so.

We also discussed last night that we are hoping to go away on a small camping trip in March before her boss goes on holidays in April.

We were originally going to go to Kuranda but I will probably end up suggesting we go to Palm Cove instead, as it would least give my Wife the opportunity to be able to eat at some nice restaurants.

We were supposed to be going out to dinner tonight with our young friend but she is unwell so we are planning a quiet night instead.
We’ll both enjoy that as we’re feeling a little battle-weary and a bit disconnected at the moment…

Published by Sarah

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