
Countdown – 31

Day 31 pre-op
3 days pre vlcd.

Dinner last night:
Fish Tacos.


66mm of rain overnight – misery

To cap it off, woke in the night and the boy-dog hadn’t pooped before bed – due to the ground being so wet and him being a sook – and he’d had a dodgy belly and there was diarrhoea all over the floor, which I had to clean up around 1am, and by 6am there was another lot. 🤢
Not the way to start the day tbh!

The X-ray place callled this morning to check that I was still all good to go for Monday morning. I am!

I’m not keen on doing the Barium Swallow to be honest, but I understand that there are going to be many things ahead of me that I don’t want to do – but will have to anyway, for my own good.

It cleared enough through the morning that our Son and I both got on the whipper-snippers and got some of the longest grass tamed, and got some of the house yard strip-mowed with the push mower, so the dogs have somewhere with low grass that they can do their business.

When my Wife came home from work early (yaaaay!), she also managed to get some strip-mowing done on the new ride-on mower.
It all helps with drying out the sodden areas of the Farm a bit quicker once the rain does stop for a bit.

Of course it started belting rain when she was out there, and she ended up thoroughly drenched, but the superwoman persevered!!

Published by Sarah

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