
Countdown – 30

Day 30 pre-op
2 days pre vlcd.

Dinner last night:
Swamp Food.
(will add link to recipe later)


3.5mm of rain.
An overcast day for the most part, but if that means it’s not raining I’m ok with that!!

My Wife had to work this morning, and I spent a big part of the morning down at the vegie garden digging out more comfrey.

At the moment it feels like a never ending chore – which it sort of is – due to the propensity for minute particles of root fragments to spring back into full sized plants within about 8 weeks!

A lot of the plants I will put under the various tree groves around the Farm, as they are a living mulch that pull nutrients from deep within the soil, depositing it at ground level as the comfrey plants naturally die-off and regrow.

Today is ending up being a ‘spoily’ type day.
It’s only 2 more full days until preop brings for me, so we’re trying to think of anything I might really miss over the coming months, and having those for our meals – within reason!

For lunch we had kfc wicked wings.
A favourite for all three of us.
We had them with chips, gravy and coleslaw.

This evening we’ll be having curry from our local Kashmiri takeaway.

Tomorrow is our Sons last full day here, and he wants to go to ‘that chocolate place’ – which is a local Family who specialise in Artisan cheeses and chocolate – made from the dairy that comes from their farm; which also has a cafe onsite.
We’ll have lunch while we’re there.

It’s going to be a wrench taking him to the airport on Monday.
I’m taking him alone as my Wife has work appointments, and I have to stay down there for goodness knows how long due to the pre-op medical appointments which I have scheduled for after I drop him off.

Have I mentioned I’m starting to get a bit nervous about them? 😐

As I sit here mid-afternoon writing this, our Son is out detailing one of our cars, my Wife is down filling up the chicken feeder, and I’ve looked up and can see the rains are coming in from over the hills behind.

It won’t be long now before they’re here.

Published by Sarah

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