
Countdown – 24

Day 24 pre-op
Day 4 pre-op VLCD.
W: 98.35

Dinner last night:
Chicken StirFry, and a jelly dessert.


Rain: 2.8

Dinner last night was so bloody delicious I reckon that I could eat it every night for a week straight!

My Wife came and got me mid-morning so that we could go and do some grocery shopping.

It’s been raining again since about 3 am so no outside jobs will be being done today.

I tried something different today.
I fasted until lunchtime, and then had a KicStart Strawberry Sundae Shake and 2 Salada biscuits with. Vegemite.
It came in at 331c, and while I was having it and starting to log it, I realized that the shake had just over half the protein of my usual Formulite Shake – but worse still – had five times the sugar!!!

Good grief!
Rookie error. 🤦🏽‍♀️

Oh well…
Lesson learnt, and also I am very very full from lunch, so can’t imagine I’ll be snooping about looking for a snack before my 5pm cup-of-tea time! 😁

Published by Sarah

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