
Countdown – 10

Day 10 pre-op
Day 18 pre-op VLCD.
W: 96.85

Dinner last night: Frittata


Rain: 0

I am now down 5.05kg (11.11lb) from my heaviest [recorded] weight.

For the most part, actual hunger hasn’t been an issue.
I can’t say the same for habit-hunger…

As an ex-smoker, reaching for snacks is very much the same as reaching for a cigarette – it’s in your mouth without even thinking about it.
And that’s the major part of the habit that needs to be broken.

Retraining the mind to reach for a drink of water – if you’re having a ‘moment’ – and to reach for a drink and/or a book if you’re taking a bit of a time-out during your day.

Note to self:
I do not need a snack to pass the time.
I do not need a snack when my body isn’t physically hungry.

I’m not sure that I will make it to the militant ‘food is only fuel’ camp – rather than the ‘food is a source of incredible enjoyment’ camp any time soon – but I’m not saying never!
I just can’t quite picture it though… 😁

Last night my Wife and I had a planning and strategy discussion for after I come home from Hospital, trying to foresee any issues we might have and working on theoretical solutions for ‘just in case’ scenarios that we managed to think up.

Most of this was based around House and Farm work, meal prep etc, but I think it made us both feel a little better and more in control, to have those strategies tucked away and ready in case we need to whip ‘em out.

Things that I’ve noticed this week.
– For the first part of the week – mon, tues, wed night – I slept really quite badly.
I was having a difficult time falling asleep and then in staying asleep; however my energy levels were still quite good!
Last night I instead tried reading for a while before bed, and I don’t know whether it was because I was so exhausted from the previous 3 nights of bad sleep or whether the reading helped, but last night I slept a lot better.
– I’ve also noticed that my hot flashes have come back over the last couple of days, but we’ve also had some warmer weather so that could be a contributing factor.

I guess time will tell!

Published by Sarah

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