
Countdown – 1

Day 1 pre-op
Day 27 pre-op VLCD.

Dinner last night: Frittata


Rain: 6

I still haven’t found my bloody glasses!

We went and checked the area around the Vinnies bin, but someone had been there overnight and strewn stuff everywhere, so even if they had been there, they would have been long gone by the time I got back to look.

We had breakfast out with our Daughter-in-law and Grandson this morning, and when he started to get cranky in the midst of breakfast – as I’d finished mine – I took him for a walk around the shopping centre.
Not long after I got back to the table, he dropped off to sleep in my lap. 🐻🤎

It’s been raining and everything is back to slippery slop.

We stripped the bed and are putting clean sheets on it today, so that they’ll be lovely to slip into when we get home.

Late this afternoon we took the dogs to the kennels, which went fine, and while we were out we collected some pasta for dinner, and also picked up the loaner car that we’ve been lucky enough to score again.

The chickens are all set up for a couple of days of self-sustaining, and I want to get the remainer of the house as clean as I can manage (in this shitful weather), so that I’m hopefully not worrying about it for a few days when we get home.

I’ve been having my medicated showers for the last couple of days, and washed my hair when I had a shower this afternoon.
I’ll have another medicated shower when I get up in the morning, then we’ll be into the car and off down the hill to the City.

one.more.sleep and it’s my turn to join the ‘losers bench’.


It’s now getting very very real.

Wonder how well I’ll sleep tonight…

Published by Sarah

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